

  • 3
  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    I had scored the highest from Dubai for Grade 2 Violin from my Trinity exam and I was asked to play my favorite piece at the Emirates Literature festival

  • Sono un esperto di...

    I'm pretty good at drawing 🙂
    I love making things, so in this quarantine, I made recycled paper, I made a book out of scrap paper and bound it myself, I crocheted the back of a cropped sweater [i need to finish that]

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    reading: Road to Nandikadal by Major General Kamal Gunaratne [its a book about the terrorist war that happened for 30 years here]
    listening to: One Direction [i miss the good ol days]
    authors: Cassandra Clare, Anthony Horowitz, Stephen King
    films: horror/psychological horror- IT, Doctor Sleep, Shutter Island, Inception
    tv shows: right now its Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but i love The Office, The X Files, Limitless

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I have only been to UAE- where i lived most of my life and went to school.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    Im in love with Native American cultures and im trying to learn more.

    Also im working on a research paper on Sri Lankan exorcisms in my free time.

  • Una sfida personale

    writing exams is very difficult for me. i didnt know what was exactly wrong with me but now i know i had crippling anxiety when it came to exams and i had trouble since grade 6.

  • Ciò che mi preoccupa...

    climate change- not many people are actually serious about it or dont know how their small actions impact the climate in a snowball fashion

  • A 10 anni da adesso

    hopefully alive and functional but i hope i have a good stable job, a nice cozy house with a court yard, an oriental short hair cat and moneeeyyyyyy

  • Recentemente ho imparato...

    paper making

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    i lived in Dubai for 14-15 years where I completed high school and got my diploma. I made lots of amazing friends with whom I still stay in touch.

    but if i could choose, i would go to either Italy/Spain/France, visit all the museums, take pictures and draw to my heart's content.

  • Sono entusiasta di...

    corona finally being over- whenever that would happen. i have been self-isolating, for so long, now i just want to go stuff my face with McDonalds and read in a library.

  • Vorrei che le persone sapessero di più riguardo...

    climate change and the importance and significance of their culture/traditions/language. it just saddens me that today's youth dont know the beauty of their own roots or the fact that people dont care about this planet which is on the brink of death.

  • Migliorare il sistema scolastico

    the system is broken. i wish schools gave recognition to sports/art/music talented children as much as they do academics. because judging everyone through one exam is just...stupid? you are asking fish to climb trees.

  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    everyone is deserving of love. keep that in mind.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    books/pressing flowers and dark academia! this is what is hot in my life right now. but i am equaly excited to learn new things like languages and everything about the space. you can write forever about these things and i will still be reading it.

  • Piaceri dell'infanzia

    i loved just playing outside with my brother and cousin- just the stupidest made up games, climbing trees, chasing dogs etc etc.

  • Da bambino, sognavo...

    cliche but i wished i was a grown up. maybe because my parents kept saying i cant do whatever i asked. i used to compare myself a lot to other kids and this would be a point of conflict lol.

  • Rimpianti

    i wished i cherished the simpler times more and stopped wishing i grew up.
    my time at school and the time i spent with friends, i wish now that i lived more in those moments. those were truly precious moments that i deeply miss now.

  • Una carriera senza ostacoli

    right now i am studying to become an interior designer. listening to my lecturer talk about his projects is kind of overwhelming. there are so many things to consider in this field- i just hope i get it by 3rd year.

    if it wasnt this, i would be doing forensic pathology. i hate chemistry and exams so idk about that but my love for murder mysteries has fueled this dream.

  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    let younger minds take the lead- old white men have stayed relevant for too long.

  • Io ed i miei genitori

    currently, my parents are going through a rough patch- its most likely ill be getting 2 birthday presents for the rest of my life.

