

  • 5
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi people, I' m Miriam, I come from an extreeeeemely boring city in the north of Italy and...well I hope not to be boring like the place where I live😂 (still work in progress). I' m a passionate writer, but mostly a passionate reader (Proud potterhead and Ravenclaw) and, well, I spend the most of the time listening to music, pretending to sing like Freddie Mercury, and living in my imagination (yeah, pretty much of a dreamer...).

  • Soy un experto en...

    Oh boy, I' m an expert in a lot of things (most of them are absolutely useless but...ok): I can write poems and little novels (my dream of becoming a writer is still impossible but...i'm trying),I read a lot of fantasy books and yes, I die for things like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson etc😍... I take music lessons, so now I can sing in mezzosoprano (sort of😂), I am a big fan of punk, rock, metal an pop/punk music and, completely changing the genre, I LOVE musical theatre, and I' m proud to say that I can rap Lafayette's part in "Guns and ships" from "Hamilton" and I also won my school' s talent singing "On my own" from "Les Miserables". What about useful talents? Well... still working about that😂

  • Un truco o consejo

    "If you like a flower you pluck it, if you love it you let it grow🌹"

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    Like I just said, I am a big fangirl of books like Harry Potter, Divergent and all the fantasy/urban fantasy/distopic kind of stuff, but I am also a fan of Shakespeare, and I love the kind of books that make you think about yourself and about life (yes, i like philosophy a lot...)I like reading also old epic poems like the Odissey or things like "La divina commedia" by Dante Alighieri (super famous italian poet, if you don' t know who he is). Talking about films... no, there are too many, Cinema is, especially now, a big part of my life, a tradicion that me and my family had from when I was 3 years old, so... the list would be infinite...sorry😂

  • Valorado o subestimado

    Overstimated: making always the right decision, fashion, differences, money an sports in high school and on tv
    Understimated: books, music, friendship and equality

  • Remordimientos

    For now I' m not regretting my decision of trying this website, but I also have the bad habit of making bad decisions so... we'll see

  • Un reto personal

    My life dream is to become, one day, a succesful writer, but if that goes wrong... I think I will choose the teaching career (Italian teacher, I think). For now my dreams are limited to finishing high school an TRAVELING: a passion that never left me and (I think) never will.

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    I'd love to do it! One of the most important life goals to me now is to learn more about costumes and cultures of other nations and I think this is the best way, if not the only one, to do it

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Well...I love to talk in general! But if I have to choose some of my most used topics I would say absolutely music, literature, videogames, philosophy, theatre, cinema and tv series. Most af the people that I know also say that I am a good listener and...yeah, I love to help other people to leave behind some bad situacions, even if it's just for a moment! I love to see them smile, nothing more😅

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I am very interested in a lot of cultures but, for now, I'm more into british, spanish, american, japanese, dutch and hispanic culture, but I'd also love to know more about nations in north europe like Norway, Sweden and Danemarc.

