

  • 4
  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    Hey I’m Maaike, 19 years old and live in the Netherlands. I really like to talk a toy a lot of things. I like to talk about my studie (Biomedical Engineering) and about my hobbies. I like to travel and love to hear story’s about other cultures and countries. And I love to sport. I played hockey a several years, I ski every year (that’s the ting I most like to do) and I’m now training to run a half marathon.
    I also really want to speel French so I would like to chat in French or send handwritten letters. My French is not good yet. So if you like to help me wit it and have just some nice chats I would be really happy 😊

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I really love to travel. I’m very curious to see different cultures an countries. I’d traveled quite a lot in my life. I live in the Netherlands (Europe) so I’ve seen the most countries in Europe because the distances are not that big. I also went to countries outside Europe a several times. I went to Indonesia and Thailand, a several times to the United States, Morocco and last summer to South-Afrika. I loved those big travels the most, because the culture in those countries are so different from what I’m used to. I really like to heart more about other countries and cultures. So I think it would be nice to write about it with someone who also like to travel.

