

  • 12
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Hello! My name's Luzzie and I'm 15 years old. I live in Holland, and I can speak English, Dutch, and some tinyest bits of French or German. Just enought to get around there a little 😉
    I'm looking for, well, anyone with a interesting story. I myself hand't had the best time growing up, so excuse me for being down some days. I don't really like to dwell on the past, though I do realize it's an imporant part of my existence. I only want to look forward from now on. So, even if you never have seen bad times, feel free to mail. 😉
    I'm weird, fun, random and crazy, but I can be very serious and sweet if I want to. I'm generally nice to everyone, and I try to be. I don't like bringing others down, nor do I like those who do. Oh, and I'm addicted to some specific smileys. Guess. 😉
    If you read all of that, congrats! I know I usually am not able to keep things short. If you didn't, well, who knows were that might put you. Or us, for that matter. If you tried to get it but failed, welcome to my world. I know what it's like, I get that often too. I'm kinda strange at times. And if you think this last paragraph was nonsence, believe me, it is 😉
    With love,
    PS, blogging since November 2nd 2011
