
Locutus 글로벌 중재자

  • 12
  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I've been to several European cities, but outside of Europe not so much.
    But this year I will be off to Madeira (again 😁,) at the end of the summer 🙂

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I'm interested in gaming, gardening, cats and fish and nature in general. Also the social and psychological aspects of the human brain tease my interests 😃
    I like to spend time in the Outdoors, but i'm also kind of a homebody 🙂

  • 저는 ~의 전문가 입니다.

    I'm an expert in being friendly and in being hard for myself.
    I have quite some experience in computer related stuff 🙂

  • 장난 또는 조언

    Wear Sunscreen!

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    I do like a lot of genres in movies like comedy, action, sci-fi, drama or a combination of them.

    I'm not a real book reader, but I do read the newspaper online 🙂

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    10 years from now I want my house to be tip-top, it still needs a lot of work.

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    There are 3 main actions we need to take for making this world a better place.
    We need to stop exploiting the earth and its inhabitants.
    Find a way to create enough renewable and FREE energy and make it accessible anywhere on the globe.
    Lastly the social aspect we seem to be loosing rapidly: Respect. Every person on this planet should have respect for one another. An important cause for why this is not the case today, is religion.

  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    "Humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries, but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity." - Bill Gates

  • 지금이 더 나아요

    Some things are, some things aren't...

