

  • 4
  • Osobiste umiejętności

    - i am gut in relaxing massage 😁
    - many people believe I am good teacher (physics- it's funny because I don't understand this subject 😅, chemie and biologie)
    - I have gift in making cringe (aren't my words!)
    - hmmm I losed inspiration
    - Important thing! Instead learn for tomorrow test in school I writing on this web...

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    I'm not expert in anything. But I'm grooveing on many things (in month on average is new "object"😉. I was drawing, running, swimming etc.
    Also, i started train tai chi- I didn't expected, that got me so much fun!
    And I'm trying be better in english learning (TRYING!)

  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    In one day I run for 1h without pausing. I noted in me, phisicaly effort is good for my body and for my mind. Running (expecially in night) give me freedom feeling

