

  • 5
  • Vieraat kulttuurit

    I am very interested in life in other countries. We could talk to you about everything: from what you had breakfast and ending with a book for the night. I really want to find myself internet friends here and I will be glad if you write to me.

  • Kaupungit ja maat, joissa olen vieraillut

    I would like to visit the USA. But in fact, I like and want to communicate with people from all countries. Well, you know, to learn something new about life in other regions, about the people, about the weather, about everyday life.

  • Lempikirjat/kirjailijat/elokuvat

    I like reading Stephen King. My favorite his book "It." also Joanna Rowling with a series of books harry potter

  • Taidot

    I play saxophone, guitar, ukulele.
    Learned Japanese, but dont finished. ;(

  • Ainutlaatuista/epätavanomaista minussa

    Maybe... Im transgender.

