

  • 4
  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I love to travel through Europe because there are so many different kinds of landscapes and beautiful cities. 😊

  • Πάντα απολαμβάνω να μιλάω για...

    almost everything 😁 but especially about ballet, books, pets, sports, travelling and studies

  • 10 χρόνια από τώρα

    I want to finish my law studies, study a few years abroad for making new experiences and work in a big law firm. Also I want to have a dog because I really love dogs 🐶

  • Το ενδιαφέρον μου για άλλες κουλτούρες

    I'm very interested in learning more about other cultures. That's why I want to find some pen or mailfriends from other countries. 😊 I can also help somebody to improve his or her German skills. I love to support other people!

  • Προσωπικές δεξιότητες

    I am a ballet dancer, I like to study and I also like horse riding, reading and singing (even I have absolutely no talent) 😀

