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  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    I'm a bookworm so, obviously I love talking about books hahaha. However I am also interested in whatever topic can lead to interesting conversations.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    Reading and watching films are some of the things I love most, so I am always looking for someone to discuss this interests with.
    My favourite genres in books are magical realism and historical fiction, but at the end of the day, I read pretty much anything depending on my mood haha. My favoutite books are If on a winter's night a traveller by Italo Calvino and The Master and Margarita by Michail Bulgakov.
    I don't really have a favourite movie, but I really enjoy Scrosese's films. My favoutite tv show is Fleabag 🙂

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    I want to travel a lot in my lifetime and I like descovering all kinds of different cultures

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I've visited Edinburgh and London. I've been to Greece and Spain

