

  • 4
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi everybody! <3
    What can i say... (o.o)''
    i'm 22, I'm a makeup artist and hairstylist. I want to improve my english and make some friends all around the world, i'm a begginer so please be nice to me.
    I'm from italy, I love art, music and make-up of course.
    I also love animals and i'm an asian culture lover.
    Last but not least, i loooove food so much!!!

  • I'm an expert at...

    My job is based on it so please feel free to ask me anything about skincare or makeup tutorials or also beauty hacks!
    You can join my IG @ginevrabruno_mua or my TIKTOK page @ginevrabruno_mua my tiktok's name is LazyMUA as here.
    I'm also a content creator so if you have tips and advices please let me know here or there on my other social profiles!

