

  • 13
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi 😃 I'm Laura, I am 13 years old, and I live in Finland. I speak English and Finnish. But I can speak too low german, I speak SO BAD german... I want snailpost penpal 🙂 You can be just from anywhere, but not in Finland, please. I listen lot of music, my favourite band is The Baseballs. I listen too Petri Nygård, Enrique Iglesias and something other bands. I love Ice Hockey, my favourite team is HIFK, and my favourite player is Mikael Granlund 😉 In home we have cows and tree cats. Cow is my favourite animal, I hope that you too like cows, but it aren't too obliged. I have too horse, Feeliks, Finnishorse 🙂 It is good think that U like animals <3 If U want to writting to me, send e-mail from me ! ( my address,(email hidden) or (email hidden) )
