

  • 3
  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    I'm a good listener and a devoted friend. Stumble, slip sometimes, but keep going. Never give up.

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    Prague, Crete, Santorini, Balos, Gramvousa, Rhodes, Symi, Cyprus, Ukraine (Lviv), Slovakia, Spain and a lot of beautiful places all over Poland.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    Meeting new people, getting to know their local traditions and culture. The history and the cousine of the places visited.

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    New experiences, historical and psychological topics. Film, art, music, literature. Simple conversations about everyday life, ordinary things and a good joke.

  • Przyjemności dzieciństwa

    Chocolate icecream, playing hide and seek with friends till late evening. Roleplaying 'Rich Man, Poor Man' (popular series then) with my cousins at my aunt's garden😊, the smell of freeshly baked cake on Sunday morning, family reunions....

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    British literature and poetry,
    Henning Mankell (Kurt Wallander series) . J. K. Rowling (Cormoran Strike series) L. M. Montgomery 'Ann of Green Gables'. F. Baum 'Wizard of Oz', V. Frakl 'Men's Search for Meaning', Edith Eva Eger 'The Choice'
    Tim Burton's films.

  • Sztuczka albo porada

    'The greatest gift you can give someone is your TIME. Because when you give your time, you're giving the portion of your life that you will never get back'
    'To live the life you love, you must fall in love with yourself'
    'Freedom is a lifetime practice—a choice we get to make again and again each day.'

  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    'Trust is built through actions, not words. You can't pay attention to what people say or promise, only what they ultimately do. The way someone acts will tell you everything you need to know'

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I'd love the idea of living on an Island. Crete would be my ideal place, Hebrides or Shetlands would be great too.

