

  • 8
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    hey guys !
    Hi I'm kyara, (that's my nickname)
    I'm french and my dream is to travel across the world  ! (well I'm trying ) That's why I would love to speak with you people ! (I love meet new  people yaaay ! ) I would like to improve my german and my chineese because I'm not good at all 😆 By the way, I'm trying to learn how to speak russian and italian so if someone can help me that would be awsomesee !

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Everything ! I love talking about everything, really ! (And to everyone of course) ! So hey, nice to meet you !

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I love read fantasy books and some comics(fantasy too). I'm watching a looooot of series of every kinds and same about films but my favorites are post apocalyptic films.

  • 10年后

    In 10 years I see myself on a plane traveling from a contry to another, just simply. or travalling in car, or a train, or bus, or a bike, or motorcycle or with my feet, my feet are cool.

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    I'm an activist, and proud to be so . I'm regulary making demonstration to protest against looooots of things (racism, unfair laws, violences,...) or demonstration in favor of other things (feminism,...) . And I'm doing other things as an activist, and I love it

