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  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    Hi, I'm Kata ( short for Katarzyna ) ( 13 years old ). Let's be Friends!
    I Like dancing, drawing, horse riding, reading, ice skating, cooking... The list kind of never ends😅
    And I have 2 cats, Salem and Anubis❤️
    My favourites: blue, red, Taylor Swift, Lasagne, chocolate, raccoons, Philosophics and geography(in school) My family is from Poland/Ireland/Australia/Brazil but I live in Germany.

    Some of you may know me as Lia, that's because I switch between my first and second name😅
    You can call me Lia, if you want

    My birthday is on 3rd of February, so I'm an Aquarius

    Hi, ich heiße Kata und naja, weil die meisten Leute hier sowieso Englisch sprechen können hab ich irgendwie gar keine Lust, alles zu übersetzen. Aber ich würde mich über eine Nachricht von dir freuen 😊

    Ciaooo😁, mi chiamo Kata! Piacere di conoscerti

    Salut, je m'appelle Kata! J'ai 13 ans et j'aime le bleu et le shopping mais je n'aime pas le basket et les araignées. J'ai deux chats, ils s'appellent Salem et Anubis et ils sont trop chou.

    Buna, ma numesc Kata! Mă bucur să te cunosc 🙃

    สวัสดี นันชื่อลีอา! ยินคีที่ได้รู้จ้ก ☺️

    Hola mi nombre es Kata! Encantado de converte☺️
    Yo soy una niña alemána.

    Cześć, jestem Katarzyna! Miło cię poznać😄
    Jestem z Niemiec. Moje hobby to taniec i czytanie.

    Γεια, με λένε Κατα!

    Dia duit, is mise Kata.

    안녕 하세요, 제 이름은 리아여요! 만나서반가워요😊

    Zdravo, moje ime je Kата! Drago mi je da smo se upoznali🙂

    Привіт, мене звати Ката! Приємно познайомитися😙

    As you see, I'm obsessed with languages 😜

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    My friends say im crazy which ist quite true😉
    I like telling funny storys or random
    ( in between: random is currently my favourite word )
    Or sometimes I have crazy ideas or do kind of random (haha, there it is again) things

