

  • 3
  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    My father loves "unusual" pets, and liked breeding them, so I grew up between bird spiders, snakes, iguanas, bearded dragons, tortoises, pigeons and canaries, various insects, chameleons and frogs. We also had dogs, cats, bunnies, budgies and rats, but I guess those are the more usual pets to mention.
    I still like more unusual pets and currently have two snakes, three axolotls, four rats, two dogs and a cat.

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    The little things matter.
    I remember being very depressed in my early teens and on my way to school there was this really old man in the bus that just randomly smiled at me outta nowhere. And let me tell you, this made my day. I never saw him again and he'll never know how much this smile meant to me in that moment, but since then I know the value of little gestures. So be kind. Kindness matters.

