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  • Something uncommon about me

    My father loves "unusual" pets, and liked breeding them, so I grew up between bird spiders, snakes, iguanas, bearded dragons, tortoises, pigeons and canaries, various insects, chameleons and frogs. We also had dogs, cats, bunnies, budgies and rats, but I guess those are the more usual pets to mention.
    I still like more unusual pets and currently have two snakes, three axolotls, four rats, two dogs and a cat.

  • Making the world a better place

    The little things matter.
    I remember being very depressed in my early teens and on my way to school there was this really old man in the bus that just randomly smiled at me outta nowhere. And let me tell you, this made my day. I never saw him again and he'll never know how much this smile meant to me in that moment, but since then I know the value of little gestures. So be kind. Kindness matters.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Sadly I didn't travel much in the past few years, but in my childhood/early teens I came around quite a bit. So I've been to the US (Hawaii, California and Louisiana), Dubai, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, Austria and the Czech Republic. My all time favourite place is Hawaii though, and I doubt I'll ever find a more beautiful place. Someday I'll go back there.

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    My favourite books are the Robert Hunter series from Chris Carter (it's thriller), but I also enjoy the classics like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. In my childhood I absolutely loved Inkheart and Warrior Cats, and I still like reading them from time to time. For movies I go with the classics as well; Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Avatar (Pandora)... besides them I love Inception, it's such a great movie! I'm also a big fan of Ghibli movies, especially Princess Mononoke. My favourite series are The Originals, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Avatar (The Last Airbender), and also some animes like Akame Ga Kill or Sword Art Online.

  • Something to tell the world!

    I love tattoos and piercings, photography, writing, reading, drawing, learning, making and listening to music (mostly hip hop, rock and metal). I currently work as baker and really like my job, but plan to become a published author of fantasy novels one day. I love animals and couldn't imagine a life without pets.

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I enjoy deeper talks. Sure, smalltalk is a good starter, but what I really enjoy are the conversations where you get excited because it's something you're passionate about. I love hearing about things people love, because when they talk about something they love the whole chat brightens up in a way, and then there's a connection starting. Unlike in smalltalk, which gets boring really fast.

  • I'm excited about...

    I love learning. And I don't mean the typical school studying here. I love learning about topics that truly amaze me, be it everything related to animals or theoretical physics (especially black holes, those things are interesting as hell). I'm a fan of Einstein and Hawking. I also have a giant repertoire of pretty useless facts about kinda everything in my brain that randomly find their way out often and need to be said. So I guess you could say I'm excited about finding new random facts.

  • Personal skills

    I'd say I'm skilled at photography, writing novels, drawing and making music. But I'm kinda a Jack of all trades but master of none.

