

  • 3
  • Ik geniet altijd van praten over...

    Its really interesting to talk about everything. You can told me about your day, what do you usually do, what do you like to watch. I want to know your habits or your taste in food. In fact there are a lot of things we can talk about (:

  • Plaatsen en steden die ik heb bezocht

    I was in Poland, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Lithuania and Latvia. Most of all I like Sweden and St. Petersburg. These countries are very different, but beautiful in their own way.

  • Je favoriete boek/schrijver/films

    I cant say I have a favourite author or film. Of course I like to read or watch something but tastes change over time. So there are a lot of films and books I like but rather hard to choose favourite one

  • Voor één jaar in het buitenland wonen

    I would like to live in Lithuania for one year. I like this country and I would like to know something new and interesting about it. Lithuania is also very beautiful

