

  • 3
  • Abilità personali

    hello guys im new to this kind of thing my name is juju (im jk its julie) but uh i have a good sense of humor and talk to me about anything i very much support the LGBTQ i am apart of it as well and i love asian cultures especially japanese and korean! i am proud to say that i am a hispanic to loves to dance read write and watch anime ahh yes but uh lately my confidence has been boosted because i can talk to anyone with ease and i'm looking forward to meeting new people LOL but like yeah i'm also pretty weird but you know its fine if you're weird and wanna be weird with me yk lemme know MUAH<3 but yeah if you wanna know anything else lemme know :0 add me on my socials if you'd like insta- yikeesjuliza , snap- itzzjulizaa

  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    please be my friend i want to meet new people especially with this pandemic but DON'T EVER LET ANYONE BRING YOU DOWN FOR NO REASON YOU ARE THE WAY YOU ARE BECAUSE THAT'S YOUR VIBE FUCK THE PEOPLE THAT TRY TO CHANGE YOU! muah with much love <3

