

  • 4
  • Villes et pays visités

    i love travelling. I would like to make a worldtrip. But I will split it in some parts. For now I have been to the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Austria, France and Greece.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    I'am interested in all cultures of the world. I would like to know what traditions they have, which rituals, special receipts and what celebrations they have and how they celebrate them.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I really like reading but I don't have any favorite book. At the moment I prefer thriller.
    And also about movies. I like movies of all genres. At the moment I am watching all movies of the marvel universe and the series 'marvels agents of Shield'.
    But there are also some other series I really like:
    • the vampire diaries
    • Orange is the New Black
    • The Walking Dead
    • Orphan Black
    • Supernatural
    • Lost
    • Black Mirrors
    • Moneyhouse

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    I really would love to do that but I couldn't decide to which country I would go so I would make a trip around the world. 🙂

  • J'ai récemment appris...

    I have just learned that failing isn't always your own fault. Some things are just impossible. But if you can influence the success a 'fail' is only the 'first attempt to learning'.

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I am not really an expert in anything but I can do a lot of things and always try my best in new things.

  • Quelque chose à dire.

    I am a 26 year old German girl, living in Germany. I am here because I would like to meet new people from all over the world. Also I am looking for some snail mailing penpals from all around the world. So if you are interested, let me know. 😉

    I will not except friends requests without having any contact before.

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I don't have a favorite topic. I have many interests and so I think we can find some topics for a conversation 🙂

  • Dans 10 ans

    In 10 years I hope I have seen the world and have made a lot of adventures. Also I hope that I will have my own house, with some pets and a good job that I really like to do. 🙂

