

  • 8
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hi everybody, my name is Joshua and I'm from Germany. I want to improve my English, French and Dutch and want to learn something about other countries&cultures! My hobbies are badminton, gaming, theatre and swimming. I also like to hear music 😃 Text me on Instagram (joshi_0402), Telegram (Joshi_04), Snapchat (j0shua0404) or send me an e-mail ((email hidden)).
    I am also a fan of Harry Potter aaaaaaand I like to play Switch (I'm even in a clan for WiiU + Switch 😃)
    Feel free to contact me 😛

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I've traveled a bit around Europe and I've already been to China. For example Pag in Croatia, Paola in Italy, the Ijsselmeer and Den Haag in the Netherlands and the three Chinese Cities called Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing were very nice and beautiful.

  • 나의 자랑스러운 업적

    I'm now 16, so I haven't really done much things yet. But in 4 months I am going to do my A-Level and I have good grades. That's something I am proud of. I've also visited a Pen-Pal friend of mine already 😃

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I am especially interested in european cultures but also in every other culture. I love to learn new things and I am a very open-minded human-being, so I am happy about everyone who writes me😁

  • 저는 ~의 전문가 입니다.

    Normally, I am an expert in Science and maths and so, but for me, it is too boring...
    I really like challenging myself, that's why I love to learn new languages 😃
    I am also good in Badminton and Psychology ;D

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    Harry Potter !!! Nothing ist better xD

  • 개인적인 도전

    Oh wow I did many hard things in my life, mostly caused by my family, but the hardest thing I've ever done was leaving my foster family 🙁 I reeeeeeeaaaaaalllly loved them 🙁

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    I want to study in the Netherlands 😃 But my dream to live (even it's only one year) would be Sweden

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    Normally I like to talk about everything except Drugs xD

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    We should care more about environment, recycling, flesh production and so on...

  • 개인적인 기술

    Understanding People, being veeeeeery optimistic and open-minded... and I am good in school😁

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    Trains, I still love them 🙂

  • 최근에 ~를 배웠습니다.

    In the youngest past I learned, that sometimes you have to let some more or less important things fall to get something, what is much more important to you <3

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    My dream would be to study in the Netherlands and then to work in a social job 🙂
    I want to stay in contact with my best friends but also want to get some new contacts😃 And maybe I'll have a boyfriend then 😁

  • 저는 ~에 대해 흥미를 느낍니다 (신납니다).

    I am really excited about my Europe trip I planned with my best friend I hope I am going to do in 2020😁

  • 나에 대한 특별한 점

    I am very optimistic an open-minded 😃
    Furthermore I am childish often, but I like it, it's my way to be happy and satisfied

  • 옛날이 더 좋았어요

    They knew how it was without all these digital things

  • 지금이 더 나아요

    We have more freedoms, more technik and so on

  • 사람들이 ~에 대해 더 많이 알았으면 좋겠습니다.

    I wish they would know more about the different cultures and don't have stereotypes anymore

  • 만약 내가 어린아이였다면

    I'll get a train driver

  • 장애물 없는 경력

    I would like to have a social job, I'd prefer teacher

  • 나의 부모님과 나

    Oh my parents are weird sorry but I am not best friends with them :/

  • 미래에 대한 나의 느낌

    Yes I am feeling optimistic about it

  • 인간 본성에 대한 나의 의견

    I think human-beings are naturally social, but because of lies, aggressions and so on they tend to be egoistic to not get hurt :/

  • 저는 ~에 대하여 걱정됩니다.

    I feel concerned about Trump

  • 장난 또는 조언

    I only can say that to be optimistic makes your life much easier 🙂 And (normally) the people around you are happy then, too

  • 후회

    No, not at all. I cannot change things that happened and everything has a reason and if it would be different, maybe everything now would be different, too!

  • 학교 시스템 개선

    Cooking or so would be a nice subject in school 🙂

  • 과대평가 또는 과소평가

    Rap Music is overrated and the other music is underrated xD

