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  • 나에 대한 특별한 점

    If you'd like to be my penpal you can write to me at
    Jocelyn Stengel
    PO Box 116
    Durham, CT 06422

    if you don't mind going first, or send me your address if you'd like me to write first. If you write to me PLEASE write your return address very clearly so I can reply, it's hard to read sometimes and I have had mail returned as undeliverable because of that.

    I'm a NEW dj that plays OLD music. Vinyl only =) I learned to play music using the sync key on a controller about four years ago when i re-entered my local rave scene after an 8 or so year break and found no one was playing what I wanted to hear, so a friend gave me a little controller to hear my tunes and BAMMO! I was hooked on DJing. I switched to vinyl 2 years ago as I began to care about the art of DJing itself and wanted to learn my fundamental skills and became hooked on vinyl, it really does sound better even though it's much harder on you as a dejay.

    What's not uncommon but I feel should go in the first section about me is that I love to read. I'm a huge fain of Neil Gaiman, George R.R. Martin, Orson Scott Card's Ender series, and I'm just staring and falling in love with Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

    Music and books take up most of my time and now I've added good old fashioned pen and ink snail mail letter writing to my pass times. Be my penpal, I'm entertaining!

  • 개인적인 기술

    I'm a vinyl DJ... that means I DJ like you see at the club but I do it in the manner it was done in the 90's with two records and a mixer, no laptops on my dj booth! I'm not wonderful (only two years experience) but it's my top activity! I love to talk about old school house music (and all music, very interested in theory) and the old days of raves when they were so different than they are today... but you don't have to come from my world to write, I'd be glad to learn about a whole new perspective or share my world with someone who doesn't know about it.

