

  • 5
  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    Hello, Ola My name is Job and I’m 22 years old. I live togehter with my boyfriend in Houten its near by Utrecht, The center of The Netherlands.

    My dream is become a habitant of Valencia in Spain. In My daily Life I’m student E-commerce, Marketing and Sales.

    I like travel and explore the world and see the beautiful cultures. And other people from all over The world.

    My other hobby’s are: Reading, sports,writing, music, watching Eurovision song contest, cooking, doing activities with My Friends and (Video) Games.

    Im looking for new Friends and looking forward to speak and chat with Some one.

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    I’m very proud of My school career. I began on The dutch lowest level on high school And now Im starting on My bachelor E-Commerce, Marketing en Sales. all this happend because of my perseverance.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    My favorite book is:
    - The hunger games serie. I like that book very much, because it’s an fantastic way to imagine How The future are with politics and with Katnis Everdeen How brave she is.

