

  • 4
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    I think it would be great if we could go back to the time of kings and queens. Imagine, if you will a more romantic time ,where you can feel chivralry in the air. And you can feel safe and secure in a knight's arms.

  • Ich bin begeistert von...

    In this story that we are living, life happens. When it's good, enjoy the moment. And when it's bad, turn the page. Because tomorrow is a blank sheet of paper. And every day is a new adventure.

  • Ich habe vor Kurzem gelernt...

    That life is too short. And don't take life to seriously. Because you are not going to make it out alive.

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    I have traveled, all the lower 48 states. Been to Canada, and Mexico.
    I find that the state of Montana, is one of the prettiest states

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    Raising a 10 years old daughter. And traveling.

  • Mein Interesse an anderen Kulturen

    People are either good or bad. So it's not my place to judge anyone.

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    Hmmm, this one is a hard one. Because I'm good at a lot of things. And bad at somethings.

  • Eine persönliche Herausforderung

    I would have to say. It was letting go of my wife of 20 years. She passed away 4 years ago from cancer.

  • Die Welt zu einem besseren Platz machen

    There are two motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. And when we are in love; we open up to all life has to offer: with passion, excitement, and acceptance.

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    To many to list here.

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    I've seen pictures of Spain's beaches. So I would really enjoy living there for a year.

  • Ich rede immer gerne über...

    I'm pretty much open to talk about anything.

  • Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    Again a hard question to answer. Because I think of myself as Jack of trades, and a master of none.

  • Freuden der Kindheit

    I think mine is being a teenager and spending time with my grandparents.

  • In zehn Jahren

    Hopefully I will be living on a beach, with good friends around.

  • Etwas ungewöhnliches über mich

    I try hard to see the view from the other side. Because we all have our own opinions.

  • Früher war es besser

    I believe life was harder, but simpler in the older generation. They had to get up early to work the fields. And they didn't have to worry, about everyone knowing what they were doing. Like they do today.

  • Jetzt ist es besser

    We can travel a lot faster now. And we can communicate a lot easier now, with the internet and cellphones and such.

  • Ich wünschte, die Menschen würden mehr wissen über...

    That life is to fast paced. And it goes by to fast. We should take the time to enjoy what we have.

  • Als Kind wünsche ich mir...

    Hmmm, not sure how to answer this. Because if I changed anything. I wouldn't be who I am today.

  • Eine Karriere ohne Hindernisse

    I would pick a career that would require less travel.

  • Meine Eltern und ich

    I don't know.

  • Meine Gefühle über die Zukunft

    The future is what you make of it. But I don't really think about the future to much. Because it is better if we live in the moment. My grandmother used to say. Tomorrow never comes, so all we have is today.

  • Meine Meinung zur Natur des Menschen

    People will be people.

  • Ich bin besorgt wegen...

    People not having enough to eat. Because there is plenty of food on the Earth.

  • Ein kleiner Rat

    Don't bet on a slow horse. Or don't wear your socks in the rain.

  • Ich bereue...

    There are a couple of things that I wish I wouldn't of done.

  • Das Schulsystem verbessern

    How to handle money. Like saving it or making it work for you. Instead of you working for it.

  • Über- oder unterschätzt

    Hmmm not sure

