

  • 5
  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    I love Jk Rowling, i'm a huge fan of the harry potter books, also i love John green, i'm momently reading his books and I love them. Suzanne Collins (the hunger games writer) is personally my favorite writer, because her books just have the right amount of everything! I like Romantic films, but i prefer action movies, for example James Bond or mission impossible. I don't have a favorite movie, but i would love to watch movies you would recommend and see what it's like! I also like to watch k-drama's, i watch those way to many!

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    I love talking about everything, but i prefer just talking about hobbies (reading, photography, drawing and watching movies!) or just about how it is going at the moment. I also really like good talks about the world and its problems!

  • Я увлечен...

    i really like reading and watching movies on Netflix! Most of the time when you look for me im reading, also i love music. I play the guitar myself and am still a beginner, but i'm slowly processing! I love to talk about everything, i'm not picky, you can literally start any conversation and i will talk with you.

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I have seen a lot of country's in the EU already, I personally love Paris and London. I loved London for the big shops and busy streets. I love Paris for the ambiance it radiates. It's warm and welcoming (as soon as you understand what they are saying 😉)

  • Мои достижения

    that's a hard one, but i think my positivity. People always rely on me and i'm good at helping people and make them feel better. I probably have a good shoulder to cry on 😃.

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I really want to go to Japan, since I was little I wanted to go there. I really want to know how it is there and how the people live there. I also really want to go to canada, It's such a big country and i don't know anything of it, that's probably why i want to go to there.

  • Навыки и умения

    i'm good at drawing, I do that a lot in my spare time. I also sing (but not with people close to me, they don't really like that 😃) and read of course! I also write books by myself but nothing great yet.

  • За границу на один год

    I would definitly go for Japan! i really want to go there and see how they live there. Also i like to explorer new cultures, because yes there are differents here in the EU but not a lot. I really like to see and explorer something completely new!

  • Через 10 лет

    I used to say i would be an actress then. I still act a lot and play in plays in theatre, but never in movies before! Now i say i would be almost done studying and going to country's where it's hard to live and help the people there.

  • Недооцененное или переоцененное

    K-drama's are really underrated. I'm out

