

  • 9m
  • I always enjoy talking about...

    Movies, series and sports! I enjoy any kind of sports I like watching ice dance volleyball tennis basketball. Also I am into kdramas lately so I would love to talk about it and my favorite genre is sci-fi Fringe is a top tier sci-fi for me How in the world I forgot to mention that I love listening to music pop rock chill vibes EVERYTHING not rap maybe.. somehow cant love it but I am open to anything so I would be really happy if youve suggested me a song

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I always wanted to visit different countries but never got the chance to. I am looking forward to it in the future and I am open to any reccomandation about a must see place or a local food

  • I'm an expert at...

    Nothing Like literally theres nothing special about me But I am hoping to get a new hobby here by talking with other people

