

  • 3
  • 我对人性的看法

    I do realy believe most people aren't that bad, accept for people who cut spaghetti. They are evil.

  • 我希望人们知道更多,关于……

    FRIES ARE BELGIAN NOT FRENCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for more information, please contact me,
    Kind Regards

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Give me obscure music recommendations please
    People with opinions on architecture, send me

  • 有什么想对世界说的

    If the rules you have to follow to get into heaven aren't nice, then heaven probably isn't such a nice place either

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    Tell me everything you wish people knew about your culture, oddest things first!

  • 个人技能

    Whistling Mozarts aria of the Queen of The Night

    useless, je sais, but everyone has to have one party trick

    There's more but one of my skills is being humble too

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    book: Alain de Botton's The Architecture of Happiness
    film: Sorrentino's La Grande Belezza
    author: I.L.Pfeifer

  • 高估或低估

    overrated: Zaha Hadid
    underrated: grapefruit in Caprese

  • 在国外居住一年

    Should have done that but was canceled last minute because they couldn't find a host family for me. Studied polsci and now architecture

