

  • 6
  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    Hello, my name is Alice and I'm 19. I'm here to learn italian but I will be glad to improve my english as well. I like trying new things and travelling. I'm fascinated by the piano playing (I can say I'm not an expert). I'm a little bit obsessed with growing cacti.
    Don't hesitate to write to me, I would like to get to know new people 😊

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    My favourite authors are Cassandra Clare, Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Jane Austen.
    There are lots of great movies i saw but i don't have any favourites.

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I like Italy and my wanna spend there one week in the summer. Now I'm learning italian language and I would like to know more about italian culture.

  • Делаем мир лучше

    I believe that I can make world better by exploring myself and sharing happiness with others.

  • Недооцененное или переоцененное

    Today public opinion have too much impact on us. What others think about us matters more than what we think about ourselves.
    There is not enough empathy and kindness.

  • За границу на один год

    I dream about travelling and I want to visit lot of places, but if I had to choose only few it would be: New Zealand because of amazing views; Italy because of culture, language and weather.
    I would like to know how i would be to live in Africa. I want to study medicine, so I found it interesting to become volunteer there.
    I think that living somewhere in Asia or USA would be great experience too.
    I know I wrote about quite many place, well I'm a dreamer, can't help it.

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    Music is the most universal theme. I'm a fan of Eminem, Rihanna, Lana del Rey, Amy Winehouse, Frank Sinatra, John Legend and many other artists that i don't remember at the moment.
    I'm really wanna know something about your passions, dream, plans for the future, daily rutines, education, culture or how do you spend your free time.

  • Что я жду от будущего

    We will see what time brings

