

  • 13
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    Hello! I signed up to this site, because I want to practice English and meet new friends. I tried listening to the English podcasts but it was a bit boring 😉 I think using English as a form of maintaing the social life will be more motivating,I'm interested in other cultures and travelling. My current travel dream is to see fjords in Norway. It would be amazing to do a meditation among such a beautiful scenery. I love art galleries, theatre and musicals (my favourites are "tanz der vampire", "rent" and "mozart l'opera rock"😉. I'm very into languages. I've tried English, German, Japanese, Spanish, Latin and Arabic so far 😉 However English still remains the one in which I'm most fluent.I'm keen on Osho's books.I also like psychology. Do you know any psychological blog or website that you might recommend? 😉
