

  • 10m
  • Мои достижения

    I was homeschooled as a girl starting at age 12. Like most boys that age I thought girls were YUCKY. But by 13 I loved playing with Barbie’s.and I got better grades because girls are smarter. HaHa
    I am 18 now and still play with Barbie’s. Not seeking a boyfriend or girlfriend just a friend. I now work as worlds worst waitress in my Aunts restaurant

  • Радости детства

    I was a real brat as a kid. Mom renamed me Helen because from like 6 to 12 I was hell on wheels. Especially where little girls were concerned. I mean I like to run by a girl and pull her hair as I did. Just hard enough to let her know I was there. Pigtails were my favorite targets. I also liked to run up behind them before they heard my bike and honk my OGGA OGGA horn to scare them. At dodge ball I always aimed at girls. One day a girl left her Barbie on a bench while she was on a swing. I borrowed matches from a teenage boy and set Barbie on fire. Oh and thinking about swing I like to sneak up behind a girl on a swing and push her higher and higher. When she would squeal I would call her a crybaby. Now you know why my new name is Helen Hahaha

  • Жаль, что в детстве я...

    From age 12 I would change nothing except fighting Mom and have learned how much fun it is to be a girl earlier . From like 6 to 12 I am so sorry 😢 that I was mean to little girls. Really Really SORRY. And no I was not jealous cause they played with Barbie’s or wore pretty dresses. I just thought girls were YUCKY. And most kids I ran around with as a kid felt the same way. Not excusing my behavior. Mom bought a new Barbie for the girl I see her Barbie on fire. But a new Barbie is not the same as your old favorite Barbie

  • Я специалист в...

    Makeup and fashions. I am lucky that I am 1/8 Native American so I won’t ever have facial hair. I was 15 before Mom let me wear real makeup. Just Bonnie Belle makeup for little girls. My favorite was pink lipstick that was bubble gum flavor. LOL When Mom told me with really good makeup it looks like you are not wearing any? But soon I learned Mom was so right I always blend my liquid foundation from forehead to neck. Most girls forget that. If you put on too much lipstick it will just smear anytime you drink from a glass. Too much mascara and it will look like butterflies landed on your eyes LOL

  • Испытания

    Learning to be a good waitress. If my Aunt did not own the restaurant I would have been so fired at the start for sure. I had to write what color clothes people wore so I would give right food to right person. The other waitresses tolerated me think I was really the owners niece. But accepted me more when I did side work without being asked for all the tables, not just mine. Side work is replacing packs of sugar, ketchup or mustards pals, etc on each table. They started seating cute boys in my section. First time a boy flirted with me I dropped my order pad and ran into the kitchen. Aunt Rose came and gave me the order pad and made me go back to finish taking the order. The boy was more emberassed than me. Hahaha
    I like getting tips in cash. Sometimes on way home Mom and I will stop at the mall to buy new Barbie clothes or makeup

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    The difference between the way boys and girls dress and how they think. I bet clothes influence how each one thinks a lot. Like boys underwear is related to sports. Jockeys or boxers, even if a boy will never ride a horse or box. Only approved colors are dull white or gray. Itchy cotton in summer UGH. Girls start out in white cotton panties. For some dumb reason even if only one it is called a pair of panties ??? If you know why please let me know. Next is rayon or satin mostly with Disney characters like Snow White or some Princess. By tween years or teenage years at latest it is pretty colors and black or white lace trim. And so cool on a hot summer day. Oh and because girls are supposed to be submissive and not tomboys a lot. Almost every little girl growing up hears what I did not hear until I was 12. I can still hear Mom saying “ Helen, sit like a young lady” I mean that is what does not make sense to me. Think about it. Little boys and girls playing in backyard swimming pool. Little boys in underwear and bare chested. Little girls in two piece bathing suit of girls can never show panties to any boy. But boys and girls at younger ages are both flat chested and if boys can show underwear and girls can’t then should boys wear dresses and girls pants ????

  • Делаем мир лучше

    The world would be a better place if men did not make wars. Or if more was done to protect kids in school from bullies. I went to school grades 1 to 5 and sad to admit I was a bully. One of the boys I used to bully came into the restaurant I work in with his girlfriend. He looked real happy and I made sure he and his gf got biggest pieces of pie ala mode for desert. With a double dip of ice cream. I know that did not really make up for bullying him. I think bullies should be suspended from school and if that does not work his parents should have to pay a fine Ok Ok I will get off my anti-bullying soap box now before one of my high heels get stuck in a slot

  • Навыки и умения

    One of my skills is one that happened naturally without me trying on even knowing about it. Mom had me start keeping a 5 year diary when I was 13. As a girly girl I write in it almost every night. A couple months ago I wanted look back for make of a girl I played with at playground when I was 13 and I could hardly read her name. Typical scribbling of a 13 year old boy. As I slowly worked my way back to recent entries I saw my penmanship improving to the point it is now all loops and curls and really feminine. So much so I hope in future Mom will let me do snail mail. And like this all happened with no effort on my part. I always print on my school papers so Mom can grade them faster. Oh and I struggled to get C’s in grades 1 to 5 . But Helen got mostly A’s grade 6-12. Mom says it because girls are smarter LOL

  • Я недавно научился...

    That being 18 and an adult is scarier than I ever imagined. Like I have to but Barbie’s and stuff with my own money. And knowing you have to move out of your house someday and leave your girly girl room behind. My parents are letting me have this off year before deciding if I want to go to college. Mom and Dad give me freedom of choice mostly. Well except when I was 12. But I really left them no option. Not only had I set a girls Barbie on fire but I stole money from a girls purse she left behind in cafeteria about 2 weeks before the end of 5th grade. Somebody must have saw me cause next day I was in principals office. Naturally I lied about it and went back to class thinking I had gotten away with it. But after lunch period I was back in principals office and Mom was there. Dad was at work. I continued to lie until I was told janitor had saw me. That’s when I started to cry and confessed. After school I expect Dad to spank me but instead he decided to let mom teach me to respect girls once school was out. I expected to be grounded and had I know what was coming I might have run away from home. Or asked for spanking for sure

  • Через 10 лет

    10 years is so far away I mean it took 6 years for me to go from being a real brat and a bully to a polite young lady. At 18 I no longer have to curtsy when introduced to other parents. All those hours mom made me practice in from a mirror are only memories now. But I did do a mean curtsy hahaha I mean grasp dress at hem and if wearing petticoats them too. Slowly lift out and up on each side but not too high . Must not show panties ever. Bend at knees and head bowed in respect. All over in a few seconds but usually got compliments for Mom from other mothers about
    my being so polite .
    Mom says I should not be in hurry to grow up and just enjoy being a pretty girl. Hard to explain how it feels to be pretty. Really hard for any boy to put in words. I mean at first when I would look in mirror and see a YUCKY girl looking back at me, I wanted earth to open up and swallow me. But after a while I would twirl in front of mirror. Once into my teens I liked seeing Helen in the mirror. Now as a waitress my meals are free . Even desserts. But I have to be careful. Mom says if a 👧 does not watch her figure, neither will the boys.

  • Я увлечен...

    A PenPal. Especially a girl but maybe even a boy if he is nice. Mom says in chat rooms people tend to say what the other person wants to hear. Plus it is always about here and now. But an email penpal is more about sharing things that make you happy or that happened recently and you can’t wait to share with a penpal. Plus to chat you both have to be online at same time. With email you can answer when convenient. Like at bed time with Barbie’s put away and in bed with your favorite stuffed animal. I snuggle most nights with Ted E Bare. 😀

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    I really don’t think ai an unique Yes I am a boy who loves being a pretty girl. But some many many many pretty girls in this world. And in battle between sexes girls definetly have the best uniforms. Mom says imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So I hope girls are not mad if I am pretty too. I mean not like I am ever going to steal your boyfriend away from you ? NO WAY
    I tried flirting one time. I was feeling really girly one day when Mom was driving me to work . She was putting gas in car when I went inside to buy a soda. This really cute boy was the cashier and he looked really shy so I batted my eye lashes at him. Thinking it would make his day. But when he asked me for my phone number I ran out of store to the car leaving my soda and change on the counter. I told Mom what happened and was afraid she would make me go back in the store. Instead she went in snd got the change and soda. My Mom is AWESOME 👏

  • Раньше было лучше

    Mom says when she was a little girl there was no internet and if you were punished you were sent to your room. Now with tablets and video games you can not get kids out of their rooms. Mom hates riding by all the empty playgrounds and ball fields even on weekends. Mom says no wonder there is so much childhood obesity . Even when I was first home schooled at age 12 mom make me excercise like she did as a girl She drew a hop scotch design in the driveway . And she tied a rope to porch post and I would jump rope. In the front room I played jacks to improve reflexes.

  • Сейчас лучше

    The internet for sure. But good and bad. Dad had a newspaper route as a boy to earn money. No paper routes anymore. If there was I could deliver newspapers to earn money. On my new pink girls bicycle. I always thought boys bikes had a bar because they rode a bike harder than ang girl. As Helen I know a girls bicycle has no bar cause you done want a boy to see your panties if wearing a short dress. Gone is the OGGA OGGA horn I used to scare little girls with. My new bike had a bell 🛎️ ringer and a basket in front for my Barbie to ride it. It had pink and white streamers on handle bar ends. I really really really like it 👍

  • Я бы хотел, чтобы люди больше знали о..

    I wish people would understand that a boy can wear dresses and look 👀 pretty too, not just girls. If they did I could tell some people I am really a boy. But that will not happen anytime soon I bet. I am not trans like a girl born in a boys body. I am just a boy that at first hated girls, then hated being a girl, but now thinks being a girl is so much more fun than being a boy. Like as toddlers both boys and girls like to play with dolls. But boy dolls are called action figures. I ❤️ all my Barbie’s.

  • Карьера без преград

    I like football even though I suck at it. It might not be a career but I would love to be a college cheerleader. Thier costumes are to die for. Short pleated skirts. I would really love to be the girl on top of a cheerleader pyramid. With boys trying to look under my short skirt Hahaha 🤪
    I think cheerleaders were shorts underneath but I would still like to be the girl on top no matter what.

  • Я и мои родители

    That I only recently realized my parents always have the best of intentions for me . I thought for long time Dad only went along with Mom making me a girl because he was disappointed I was not an athlete like him. But he just wanted me to be happy and grow up to respect girls. He was not thrilled with moms plan but had none of his own. And if you head read all the posts before this one then you know my 👵 is AWESOME

  • Что я жду от будущего

    Mom says I should be in no hurry to grow older.
    I like being a waitress but maybe go to college to be a social worker. Or a nurse. Or a fashion designer. I mean so many choices. Or a vegetarians cause I love animals so much . My cats name is Miss Kissy Furr. She is 8 years old. In boy mode she did not like me. But she is always jumping up on Helen’s lap for some reason LOL

  • Мое мнение о природе человека

    I think most people are good 😊 But not all. Like bullies or people that steal things. I mean I always played with black and Asian kids at ball field near our house. I don’t think kids are racist. They have to learn it from adults . I do think more girls are good than boys. Not just saying that cause I am a girl now. I know at recess boys play rough with each other while Girls play nice and even share Barbies

  • Меня волнует вопрос о...

    That somebody will get mad if they find out I am a boy wearing dresses. Mom says we can not lie. So when meeting new people she will always have me call her Mom or Mommy first. Then she will answer and end with Helen. Well she is my mom and my new name is Helen. If people think I am her daughter well we have not lied at all. If you look back at my profile picture you will see I am pretty enough to be moms daughter really!!

  • Совет или подсказка

    Not a trick but just some advice. If you want people to respect you, then you need to respect thier differences. It would so boring if everybody was the same. Imagine every Barbie being a blonde and wearing the same clothes. BORING
    But don’t be different just to be different or attract attention from boys like wearing short skirts or too much makeup. You will attract the wrong sort of boys for sure……..

  • Сожаления

    This will sound really dumb but I wonder if Mom had started dressing me like a girl at like 6 or 7 . I had long hair for a boy and probably would have grown even longer by time I was 9 or 10. Maybe half way down my back. Or in pigtails with pretty bows at the ends. And hope no bratty little boy like I used to be would pull a pigtail as he ran by. And being a little girl all I could do was stick my tongue 👅 out at him. NO FAIR. Grrrrr

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I would like to learn more about Japan. There are cosplay festivals that attract crowds of 30,OOO . Many contest are held for best Lolita costumes as well as Brolita contests. A brolita is a boy who wears girl Lolita frilly dresses shoes makeup and stuff. Mom said I could never win a Brolita contest because the judges would think I was a girl trying to cheat by looking like a boy trying to look like a girl. Sorry for the confusion but Mom is always right.

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    I lone anime cartoons and manga books. As you probably guess my favorite manga books are about a boy going to an all girls school or turned into a girl by a magic spell. When I was 12 mom would read me to sleep with books like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. She would not think I am her Sleeping Beauty now because I snore. LOL
    Did your mom every read stories to you in your bedroom?

  • Улучшить систему образования

    Yes How to balance a check book. Make a budget. Know how much and how long it will take to pay off your student loans. luckily my parents have taught me all this. Dad said college students often get credit card offers. And get in trouble with them. I mean how many new dresses, shoes, purses etc could I but with a credit card HaHaHa. And a girl can never have too many Barbie’s ?

  • Недооцененное или переоцененное

    Overrated Designer clothes with fancy labels. Same thing with designer purses , shoes, etc. I don’t mean you should shop only at thrift stores but you can buy quality without paying just for a status name. Or just because you follow someone on TikTok either. Underrated is just how sweet girls are. I can not believe I ever thought they were YUCKY.

  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    I am way too dumb to tell the world anything. I mean I only learned how much fun it is to be a girl because I was such a brat. And I do mean brat. If you look up brat in the dictionary you might see a picture of me as a kid there. Speaking of pictures if you liked mine let me now. I did not want to post it but Mom insisted.
    Now I am glad I did especially if you liked it.
    Please message me if you do PRETTY PLEASE 🌸

