

  • 14
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    I love computers and the web.  I enjoy making friends online.  I homeschool along with my younger brother (11).  We are making a big website this summer to teach internet skills to other kids.  I write my own code and I'm always looking for others who have the same interest.  There is lots to my life other than just sports and music and video games.  I am a good e-friend if you like to share.Looking for others who love the web... younger, older, as long as you are serious about your passion.  Or just want someone to talk to and listen.  I have been penpalling for years.  Come on, guys. I just want to talk computers with someone cool. Under 15 you can chose the subject if you want to write to someone reliable. Summer is getting boring already.Interests: technology, science, space, cooking, hiking, fishingMusic: folk, jazz, broadway, easy, some pop (I don't attend "school" so I can like what I like)Books: Science fiction (not fantasy), spy
