

  • 9
  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I have visited far too few places in the world. I would still like to discover Scandinavia. I have already been able to mark Stockholm off the list, what a beautiful city. I would love to go back again. I would also like to visit Africa and get to know the Japanese culture.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    Mainly the way in which people live and the vision on life. I recently saw a short report about the South Korean society. During the Olympics, we see the Koreans laughing, but those who talk to them for longer, discover that Korean society is anything but happy. At a K-pop concert during the Games, young people tell the NOS (a Dutch newsprogram) that they feel tremendous pressure to perform. "We are far too busy and have almost no free time, as a result of which many people become depressed", says a girl. Suicide is committed every 40 minutes. It is not fun to read such a thing, but it intrigues me. How is it possible that the society came to this point? On the other hand, I find it very interesting to read how, for example, the Scandinavian culture works. There are real parking spaces for strollers in Denmark. And Dutch fathers are entitled to 2 days off when their child is born. In Norway there are 60. Fathers from Finland and Denmark are also a lot better with at least 10 days of leave. That's fantastic, isn't it? It's interesting how different people live anywhere in the world. And it's exciting to know about it.

  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    To be honest: the fact that I got my propedeuse. Learning is not easy for me and it took me a lot of effort and time to get sixty credits in one year. But I did it! And I'm proud of it!

  • Ostatnio się uczyłem/am...

    That it is not bad to ask for help. I am someone who likes to solve everything by myself, but sometimes that simply doesn't work. I'm happier now with some help, so ladies and gentlemen: are you a bit in trouble? You are not alone in the world. Maybe you will find someone here who can help you!

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    Being distracted. I can really be focused on something that I absolutely should not be working on. Or on something that really makes me happy. I can spend hours editing photos or writing texts. But don't give me a wordlist to learn...

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    That's so hard! You should absolutely check the movie "Room"! And for the Dutch readers: you should definitely read "Joël" from Carry Slee (YA but also really interesting for 18+)

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    People get mad when I talk about my little bird, so I think I like to talk about him. Pim, my best friend and the craziest little budgie that exists. There is a picture of him on my profile 🙂

  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    I have a huge empathic feeling. I can not stand injustice at all and when I see someone who has a hard time, I feel just as bad. TV programs like Temptation Island are not for me.

  • Myślę, że ludzie powinni więcej wiedzieć o...

    I wish people would know more about each other. Be open to differences and get to know each other. Do not be put off by how someone looks or how he or she presents itself. Does someone love punk while you love pop music? So what? Maybe you both love art and you can learn a lot from each other in that area. Really: it enriches your world when you get to know a lot of people from many different (sub) cultures. You may be a member of this site with a similar motivation, but also look close around you!

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I would love to be able to do an internship for a few months (or longer if possible) on one of the ABC islands. I study for a teacher in the Dutch language and I am very curious what it is like to teach there.

    (Are you or do you know someone who could tell me more about an internship there? Please contact me!)

