

  • 13
  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    My name's Tanya. I am here to talk, talk and talk. And, please, don't write "How are you?" at the beginning. It's so boring. We can talk about everything if you want)

  • Ζώντας στο εξωτερικό για έναν χρόνο

    If I had an opportunity to live abroad for a year, I would choose Germany. I've never been there, exactly, but I know that I would be fascinated. Germany is my love in language, films, towns.

  • Πάντα απολαμβάνω να μιλάω για...

    I love to talk about all: from music to politics. However, the second topic is really dangerous, you know) But if you don't afraid that we will have a conflict on a political theme, you can try)
    (It doesn't mean that I'm aggressive. Politics is just an arguments-making topic last time

  • Το ενδιαφέρον μου για άλλες κουλτούρες

    I'm interested in different cultures and languages. Yes, I am a Deutsch-fan but I will be really happy to talk to everyone.

