

  • 5
  • 나에 대한 특별한 점

    When I was younger I used to play with my brothers on the Xbox, I beat them all the time and now I've got a powerful gaming PC. Gaming is my passion and I love playing with people all over the world. Not alot of females play shooter games just for the game. (Most of the time it's about getting attention from boys)

    I am very musical but I had to quit because of my sickness and a new school. I played 6 years on the Saxophone, won several trophes with it. But I also played different instruments in my free time, like the: piano, guitar, violin, singing, drumming. Currently I am focussed on becoming a better singer.

    I am also very creative. I've made several paintings and alot of drawings over the years. But this takes alot of time, so I can't always do it.

  • 나의 자랑스러운 업적

    My gaming career/pc and my cat.

