

  • 5
  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    -Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
    -Hemlock Grove by Brian McGreevy
    -A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
    -To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    -The Raging Moon by Peter Marshall
    -Looking for Alaska by John Green
    -Paper Towns by John Green
    -Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter
    -Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
    -The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    -Matched by Ally Condie
    -Virals by Kathy Reichs
    -Dead Poets Society
    -Gone with the Wind
    -Flowers for Algernon
    TV Shows:
    -Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    -How I Met Your Mother
    -That'll Teach 'Em

  • Делаем мир лучше

    I think the world would be much better if people were more down-to-earth and didn't rely so much on technology.

  • Мои достижения

    My proudest accomplishment would probably be teaching myself Swedish.

  • Я специалист в...

    -Learning languages/accents/dialects
    -"Old fashioned" things

  • Испытания

    I have had a lot of hard things in my life and it's hard to say which one was hardest, but probably just living in a world where I feel so out of place.

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    A lot of things. Anything from really simple things to really deep things. I like to talk about languages, music, and just life in general. I really don't mind the topic of conversation.

  • За границу на один год


  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I am interested in Sweden, though I have no relation to it. I just like it. I am interested in Russia, because I have relatives from there. The languages currently on my "to learn" list are German, Icelandic, Dutch, and Finnish.

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I have never been out of the country, but I wish to someday. I want to visit many different countries, especially in Europe. I have been to some different states, but there are no really particularly interesting places I can think of and every state is basically the same.

  • Навыки и умения

    -Knowing what to say
    -Learning languages easily
    -Strong will

  • Раньше было лучше

    It was so much better before and I would much rather live decades ago. I grew up surrounded by people from older generations who hardly ever modernized anything and I didn't know anyone my own age so I didn't really grow up in the "modern world." The only piece of modern technology I use is a computer.

    But yes, it was much better before. Everyone these days is addicted to their cell phones. People didn't have such crazy ideas back then as they do now. I know it wasn't perfect and there were some really bad things like segregation and women not being treated as equally but I just cannot believe the way people are today. The world has gone mad.

  • Радости детства

    Some things I loved as a kid include:
    -Being with friends
    -Playing in the rain
    -Playing the snow
    -Playing outside
    -Walking around outside
    -Watching the sunrise
    -Watching the sunset
    -Just being in the moment

  • Я недавно научился...

    How to knit and play recorder.

  • Через 10 лет

    I really don't know what to say when people ask this question. I will probably be working as a translator or something that has to do with languages, like being a language teacher.

  • Я увлечен...

    Really nothing. I don't have anything to look forward to anymore.

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    I am ambidextrous, I can raise my eyebrows individually, I can move my toes individually, and my mother is from Russia.

  • Я бы хотел, чтобы люди больше знали о..

    I wish people cared more about freedom and people's rights. This is now a world where freedom is viewed as "selfish" and "dangerous" and I can't stand it. Freedom is more important than anything else.

  • Сейчас лучше

    I really cannot think of much. There have been advances in medicine and science, but that is about it. I like the older generations much better. Technology and modern life is good in some areas, but people overuse it and take advantage of it way too much and I think it mostly just makes people lazier.

  • Жаль, что в детстве я...

    I really wish I had enjoyed my childhood more. I did have a decent one, sure. But I was in a rush to grow up and now suddenly I'm an adult. I should have enjoyed being a kid more.

  • Карьера без преград

    I know this job doesn't really exist, but I would love to teach middle and high school kids Swedish as a second language, just like a school Spanish or German class. Swedish is my favorite language and I would love to be able to teach it in a school like that.

  • Я и мои родители

    There are very, very, very many differences between my parents and me, but mostly, I believe that kids should be able to be their own people, and actually be free to say what they want. My parents think kids should be "seen and not heard," which I think is absolutely absurd. My parents think that a child is too naive stupid to have a voice, and that parents always know best, which is simply not true. That way of parenting only raises people who let themselves be walked all over and can't stand up for themselves.

  • Что я жду от будущего

    I am terrified for the future. I am afraid of where technology is headed. It can be a good thing, but a very scary thing if used in the wrong way, and I am worried about what will happen to privacy, and that more and more people will live their whole lives online. I just think that there has to be a point when things stop improving because it would make life much too easy.

  • Мое мнение о природе человека

    I think human nature is naturally good most of the time, but as we get older, we lose morality.

  • Меня волнует вопрос о...

    The future of humanity and where the next generations are headed. I am worried that people won't be able to do anything because technology will do it all.

  • Сожаления

    All the times I didn't stand up for myself or someone else when I should have, and the fact that I was in a rush to grow up.

  • Улучшить систему образования

    A lot of things, mainly common sense, and important life skills, instead of things we will never use, but also:
    -More foreign languages
    -Sewing, cooking, and cleaning
    -Being independent and doing things by hand
    -Learning the importance of a free society

  • Недооцененное или переоцененное

    -Cell phones
    -Pretty much everything about modern life (The only modern thing I've got is a computer. I promise you, living without being constantly in front of a screen ain't gonna kill ya.)
    -Simple living
    -Real books
    -Talking in person, and no, video calls aren't "in person."

  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    I guess there are some things I maybe should mention because they tend to freak people out for some reason.

    I have conservative views on both life and politics but I'm not your stereotypical Republican. I'm not a racist or bigot or anything you want to call me, but some things I do and say for some reason shock people sometimes.

    I don't use social media unless you count this as social media, or Pinterest, which I use pretty seldom. I have Gmail, Google Hangouts, and Skype, although I'd prefer getting to know you a bit first. And sorry, but I'm only comfortable talking to girls.

    Also, the only modern thing I own is this computer, and yes, that means no cell phone. And because I can already hear you gasping in shock and disbelief, below are the answers to questions I've been asked way too many times.

    So, you have, like, a flip phone?
    No, I don't have any cell phone.

    You mean you've never had a cell phone at all?
    I've had two in my life. The first one was pretty dumb and I just wanted one because it was "cool" but the novelty wore off very quickly. The second one was a basic smart phone that my parents wanted me to get but I never wanted or used it very much so I got rid of it.

    Are you trying to make a statement? Are you in a cult/weird religion? Is this an experiment?

    Do you live in the middle of nowhere? Are you really poor? Did you have strict parents?
    Yes, but that has nothing to do with it.

    What if you need to look something up?
    Whatever it is can wait until I get home. I've got a computer, remember? Also, let's not forgot some answers can be found in books.

    What if you need to call someone? What if you need to...?
    It's called a landline, calculator, notepad, calendar, address book, planner, music player, newspaper, television, wristwatch, etc.

  • Совет или подсказка

    I have lots of little tricks, too many to name here, so here's a good quote from Buffy:
    "Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead."

