

  • 7
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    From Sicily with love, I am here to discover new cultures. It doesn't matter of which country you are! I love sooo much music, travelling and discovering new things, especially new languages. See ya! 🙂 🙂

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I've travelled around all my nation (Italy), but I visited and lived in Paris (and I loved it!), it's all so charming and everything in it is just romantic, but in a French way. By the way I would visit it again and again. If you could ask me "what about going for a trip in France?" I would definitely say " OUI ( if you're buying of course!)". Also lived in Madrid and Salamanca for a few, and let me tell you that, Spain is such a great country to live and discover. Special people and cities 🙂.
    I'm 16 but I'm planning to travel a lot around the world in the years to come

  • 在国外居住一年

    I don't have a preference, in Italy we say "Tutto il mondo è paese" it means that every country is just a part of a country even bigger...
    I'll just need a piano and everything will be okay!

  • 没有障碍的事业

    My goal is to become a pianist, travelling around the world and meeting people with different cultures. Music is one of the greatest things we have the opportunity to have in life; reaching this goal and become a music major would be my greatest accomplishment! So I study hard and try to make this real

  • 我是……的专家

    I love music, and as a classical pianist I could spend hours talking about everything around this, I love jazz and rock, too, but that's not the most important thing. Like talking about almost everything

  • 一个诀窍或建议

    Definitely I'm nobody to tell you what you should or not should do. I'm a human, we all are. I make mistakes everyday and try to do it better the next time,
    but this is my advice: live. Life is short but most importantly, is yours! And you are not allowed to waste time trying to do things you don't love.
    "So, do it, decide
    Is this the life
    You want to live?
    Is this the best
    You can be?
    Can you be stronger?
    More compassionate?
    Breath in
    Breath out
    And decide."

