

  • 12
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    Hello ! 🙂 Hey, my name's Fede. I'm 30 years old and I am italian but I have been living in Germany for work for 2 years.
    Im very curious person , fun, shy and kind! I seek pen pals \email pals of all nationalities for improve my german,english and more languages and know varius cultures! 🙂 I like rock music, fantasy movie (The Lord of the ring and Harry potter ) , reading book, watch tv series and play with my Nintendo and PlayStation !  I love dog and cats!
    So, if you want to talk to me ,contact me!! 😉

     Ciao! Mi chiamo Fede ,sono una ragazza di 30 anni , italiana ma da circa due anni vivo in germania. Cerco amici di penna o di email di tutte le nazionalità.  🙂

    Contattatemi pure !!Ciao a tutti!! 🙂

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    Unfortunately I have not visited many places, and I hope in the future to have more opportunities to travel the world!!
