Help for to learn those languages

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Hi all ! 🙂

I learn the japanese since 6 years old by myself. I arrive a few now to translate japanese songs in french but it's very difficult to learn a language all lone. I try to learn greek, finnish, macedonian and the arabic language too but it's so hard.
If I want to know talk in japanese, greek, finnish, macedonian and egyptian, it's because one day I would like visited Japan,Egypt,Finland, Macedonia, Greece. I love those countries! 🙂 I'm in the minority of french people who are ready to talk another language than their french langage! xD
It's will be so brilliant if I could to improve my english and my poor japanese and learn to talk more those languages that I said.
In the future I won't to live in France, my wish is to live in a english country and to visit all countries that I said more Australia,USA, the Mauritius Isle. It will be brilliant if I could to improve my poor spanish because I love this country but my two y.o of spanish lessons during the comprehensive-school , is not enough. I want really learn to talk those languages. I learn already by myself with books, movies and songs.
If you're English/American,Finnish,Greek,Japanese, Mauritian, Macedonian,Spanish and Egyptian and you're between 21 and 26 y.o it's Welcome! In exchange if you're interested by the french language I can to help you with your french. 🙂

I know there will be no answer but I write this subjet. lol1

Edytowane przez Phoebelycia .

I have a question.. Is your japanese level poorer than your english ?

your favorite word must be "to",isn't it?

and you are more keen on american english rather than the british one right ? 😛

Yes my japanese level poorer than my english because I has been already in England and Wales but not in Japan. My favorite word isn't "to" and I understand american english and british english, I haven't none preference.

and I understand american english and british english, I haven't none preference.
That one was for Parinaz ;]

Yes,I'd rather American.I like the accent more;But I don't know British spelling and accent well.
and @phoebelycia:it's not emergency to travell somewhere to learn their local language.

Edytowane przez Parinaz .

A Parinaz> If I already learn the japanese since 6 years and I'm very interested by spanish,greek, macedonian, finnish and egyptian. For me it's very important. Who know? Perhaps a day I will live on those countries. xD

you're very motivated ! 🙂
but perhaps you should focus on let's say 2 languages only, to reach a correct level in each, and then start learning others. Especially if you learn "alone". Traveling is a good idea..but if you want it to be efficient you have to stay at least 3 weeks in immersion (not with other french people for example) so it's not always easy.

Edytowane przez LeXoO .

So, just learn it when you get to live there...

Why not learn all the languages of the world ? Maybe one day you will live there!

Yes I'm very motived. 🙂 I must be motived because I learn those languages alone. It's so rarely that I have an occasion to talk languages that I learn with a native person who talk those languages better than me. -_- 🙁 Travels will be for when I will a job for moment I do as I can. xD And it's so difficult. Justly, I prefere to learn all those languages that I want talked, now, it's as all things, more we wait for to learn the thing we want know to do more it's difficult to learn. It's better now than more later. I'm not confused when I learn different languages, I know to recognize the chinese language of the japanese language. For example I listen sometimes japanese music and chinese music. It's a big help for me the music. I'm don't worry. 🙂 If nemo want to help me for learn those languages, there is again the music and movies. xD 😃 🙂

I'll came to realized that the big majority of all languages that I want to learn their countries have problems in this moments : Japanese language> Japan> Fukushima>Problems with nuclear power plants.
Greek and Spanish languages>Greece & Spain>Economic crisis.
Macedonian language>Macedonia>Problem with the Greece which won't recognize the name of Macedonia Republic.
Arabic egyptian language> Egypt> End of a dictatorship and new stability to find.

What a coincidence! I believe books will be are a big help for me. 🙂

I research egyptian and Japanese penpals. If you interested make me know it! 😉

Edytowane przez Phoebelycia .

Hi/Konnichiwa/Hola/Hei/ Γεια σας / Sbah elkher all ! 🙂

I write again my message because something changed. Indeed my english level it's a little bit improved thanks to somes Canadian, Indian and american members. 🙂 I found some persons for help me in finnish and spanish on this site and one person to out on this site for help me in egyptian language. Today, I research always somes persons for help me in my poor japanese and greek level and for help me to learn macedonian language. For moment I'm a good student, I arrive to learn all, without big problem. 😉 I learn japanese since 7 years ago and all others languages since somes months and I say thank you to all persons who help me. In nihon-go/japanese I've much vocabular and I arrive a little bit to translate nihon-go songs in french but it's will be really brilliant if I could to improve my japanese. If I learning all those languages(notr: nihon-go,finnish,espanol,greek,macedonian,egyptian) it's because one day I would like to visit Nihon/Japan, Egypt, Finland, Macedonia,Greece,USA,Australia,Mauritius,Canada and returned in Espana and United Kingdom...And perhaps to live in somes years.
I'm in the minority of french people who are ready to talk another language than their french langage! xD
If you're English/American,Australian,Greek,Japanese, Mauritian, Macedonian, and you're between 21 and 26 y.o it's Welcome! In exchange if you're interested by the french language I can to help you with your french. 🙂

I hope See You soon! 🙂

Thanks to all members of this site who help me. 🙂

A Parinaz> If I already learn the japanese since 6 years and I'm very interested by spanish,greek, macedonian, finnish and egyptian. For me it's very important. Who know? Perhaps a day I will live on those countries. xD
So, just learn it when you get to live there...

Why not learn all the languages of the world ? Maybe one day you will live there!


[color=blue][b]Hi/Konnichiwa/Hola/Hei/ Γεια σας /Здраво/ Sabäh elkheir all![/b][/color]

[b]For to do the point on this first year + 6 months, I can to say that nothing have really changed. I'm constantly in research of penpals. Just to say that I've had a lot of penpals who aren't stayed my penpals because they have had 'too much people' to who to talk...Then they forgot always to reply me when I've not written downright in the empty! If now my english level have a little bit evolved then it's thanks to a manga that I'm reading on the Web; and not really much thanks to my english-speakers penpals. -_- It's very disappointing to see that the objectif of this site is a little bit a mega joke. In the first case the presentations are empty and the people don't return here, secondarily the presentations are very little,in the last case people take of time for to do a beautiful presentations but again here it can appear like not enough...Nothing is enough...And it's very sad. Recently I found penpals from some countries that I want to visit one day but not from all the countries that I want to visit; and I know that one day they can be for not to talk to me anymore because they will have 'so much people' to who to talk... 🙁 Then, often, I look on many others sites of correspondence and I find what I can't found here : people ready to be really your penpal...Not for one day, not for one week, not for 3 months but for longtime. This is the way where I found my egyptian and my japanese penpal. And like I know that I can to lose my actual penpals I began a notebook of languages with english as main language.Now I know the alphabet, colors, personnal pronouns of the verb 'To Be', the verb 'To Have', the days of the week, the seasons, the months and the numbers from 1 to 1 million in Masri, Elliniki, Makedonski, Nihon-go, Espanola and Suomea. I'm always at the research of persons from Australia, UK,Espana, Ellada and Mauritius. In knowledge from that I have for the moment of all those langage, I can to say that japanese, spanish, greek, macedonian, finnish and arabic egyptian are very different. Also I want to say a geant thank you to all persons who help me to learn their languages. Of course this can appear like stupid to learn all those langage now but when we wait too much we finished to have a 'déformateur Integrated'. More we are young most we learn quickly. More we are old most we learn slowly in warping. Finally I know already that my post will be doubtless interesting at to read but it will not change the fact that I don't find my penpals.[/b]

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