Idea for learning the english language

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I am create this subject , for the next thing , post a list of idea for learn the English :

1.Read the anglophon forum.

2.Watch a film in english with english subtitle.

3.Write in the anglophon forum.

PS : I you say good luck for you learning, we can use my idea and your idea for the other foreign language.

Another idea a cultural exchange what do u think??

I've many idea for them who learning english languague :

1.To have a teacher in the thirst and fourst year of your primary school who teach it a few.
2. To Listening music in English.
3.To go in England and Wales during 5 days or more. =)
4. To Listening more music in english and to watch movies in english with subtitle of your country
5. To trying a read a book in English.
6. To Watch an english movie without his subtitles or the english subtitles.

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