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28 años,
28 años, de Estados Unidos
April 21, 2011 16:45
April 21, 2011 16:45
hey! my names sarah. im 15 and i live in the us. im looking for a penpal that would snail mail with me 😃 or email... either one works. so ya just check out my profile on stuff big_smile
30 años,
30 años, de Francia
June 19, 2011 21:28
June 19, 2011 21:28
Why not, go to my profile 😉 My name is Sophie I'm French
29 años,
29 años, de Estados Unidos
July 15, 2011 02:21
July 15, 2011 02:21
My name is Amber, and I live in Pennsylvania. I'm really new to the site, but if you're interested I would be happy to do snail mail 🙂 or email would be fine, also.
30 años,
30 años, de Francia
July 27, 2011 12:03
July 27, 2011 12:03
Hello 🙂 I'm Cassandra and i'm french, add me if you wanna talk i'd be glad to ! And i'd like to improve my english
See you 🙂
30 años,
30 años, de Taiwán
July 27, 2011 13:22
July 27, 2011 13:22
Hey! It's Sonny :]
Seems very interesting XD so, yep, great idea.
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