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hi there
hm how can i say that???
i'm looking for people who has wii nintendo and Mario kart, to link my own wii with them and play together on wi-fi internet at this game😁 donatello ....
if you'r intersting, don't be shy and contact me taz !!!
i'll give you my wii's number!!
have a good day
laurene w00t

Ray Ray

no offense but if you ask me you are lucky that you got it the game hasn't even came out in the us yet

mmm 4 days i have it for gc and ds i want it sooo bad

ho i didn't KNOW that mario kart isn't come in Us!!! i'm sorry 🙂
when is coming over there?

No I'm some one who has a xbox and nothing else

Ray Ray

i think some time next month or later on this year i really don't remember

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.