How about Japan?

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Great and terrible earthquake attaked Janpan.
How about there?
I realy wnat to all people is fine.
And I convey the expression of grief to victim.
Please tell their situation Japanese.
And other country's people also write about this please(situation or personal think).

aangepast door Malddugi .

so shock...wish all be fine

Yes, news are speaking only about that in France. I don't have any Japanese background and I don't know anyone in Japan but I watch TV since yesterday. It's really a great disaster... Medias say it is the worst earthquake Japan has ever known. The fires, tsunamis, everything is shocking.... I hope the international help will really be efficient...

I have been always dislike Japanese government(sorry for Japanese...not 'YOU' I mean..)
But it was shocking.... I cannot believe that kind of disaster occured in just near country....
I can't describe the feeling that feel....omg.....


There is humanity before the nationality..

aangepast door Jiwon.N. .

yeah.. I surprised about it. It was worst disaster...
Tsunami was so enormous.Wish all be fine

aangepast door Roul .

Pray that all Japanese are recovering quickly from this terrible earthquake and tsunami. I'm with them all ♥

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