What was the craziest thing you ever got up to at school!

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:tongue: The craziest thing I ever did was get hold of the keys to the tractor lawn-mower at the school and stick it in gear and watch the groundsman chase it around the football field trying to catch it. :tongue:

The best thing was catching the head master having an affair with his secretary and putting the public address system under his office floor and broadcast the entire session around the school devil to this date I have never been caught sweatdrop excl

I've done some pretty stupid things at schol when I was younger, and you know how GOD punished me "think about it guys"who an I now! no123 😃

got my radio and blazed rock/metal devil in class i got in angry but i was yawn and i got a big clap clap off the class now im :ban: and im lol1 for your act i thing your w00t thumbup1 thumbup2

hey,rick! i'd have 2 say...when i was in kindergarten i stuck like three thumtacks in my teachers chair and she cried. i feel bad about it but it was april fools day. what else was i supposed 2 do?!?
oh, and i back talked my computer teacher like 2 weeks ago and i don't get 2 play games on fridays 4 the rest of the year...i mean, i can't help that i speak w/out thinking!

Wah, all our secrets are coming out here, smile devil stupid dont you just love it.
I've done some very crazy things and I am happy to say no one has been hurt devil well devil maybe just a little.

lol, The craziest thing Ive ever done in school was when I locked my math teacher inside the classroom and blamed the janitor for it. lol The janitor cursed at me and all cause he got fired. I feel kinda sorry.

hahaha i ALMOST got detenion i lead a sad boring life c ya

nice one slasher clap thumbup2

well with all the year sevens in my school i started beating the hell out of someone else and then ALL of the year seven boy started a mini war on the sports grounds most fun ever!!!!!!! lol
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap

BUT IM DEAD FOR STARTING IT AND IM ONLY 12 XD XD XD XD :hang: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: cursing

but i got a black eye but someone broke there arm!!!!!! oops lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

ive been suspended!!! and got 7 after school dections =[ but it was worth it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

I shouldn't have done it but I did it without thinking. During the days I went to school , we used to get caned for not doing homework or displeasing the teacher. One day i got caned on my palms by a maths teacher and my palm was sore for over a week. I took a black board duster and drove a small nail in it without any head. left it on the teachers chair. He came,he sat and he said ouch!!! No body knew who had done it and I got away. He didn't come to the class was 3 days. Iwould nevr reccomend any of you do it. It really hurts!!!

yinyang Hah thats easy... I stayed over night and slept in the Music room! Although our carpet floors are strangely comfortable. Othere slept on the tables in the Cafeteria. It was so much fun! yinyang

Well, two years ago I wrote my name on the top of my desk with a magnifying glass by hot solar light. That was hard but I don't know why I did it. It took three lessons. It was a giant banner and a teacher was really furious with me about that. I know this is not one of the craziest things in this page, but it was a strange experience for me...

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