He burst out these words in a terrible taking. English

Who knows what "taking" means in this sentence?

He burst out these words in a terrible taking.

Thanks a lot!

I’ve never heard it used like this not once in my English speaking life.
Like where did this sentence come from?

When used in the expression "In a taking." " Taking" usually refers to a state of mind (mental state) that can cause one person to act erratically or in a bizarre way. So it could mean he said those words in a disturbed state of mind that showed itself in a very nonsensical agitation... That's one way to understand it but better context might make it more understandable. And I advise you to use the wiktionary app (It's a blue little app just called "English"), it has a lots of words, and has been so far the most useful in my readings.

Hope this helps.

I’ve never heard it used like this not once in my English speaking life.
Like where did this sentence come from?
I found it in a dictionary.

When used in the expression "In a taking." " Taking" usually refers to a state of mind (mental state) that can cause one person to act erratically or in a bizarre way. So it could mean he said those words in a disturbed state of mind that showed itself in a very nonsensical agitation... That's one way to understand it but better context might make it more understandable. And I advise you to use the wiktionary app (It's a blue little app just called "English"), it has a lots of words, and has been so far the most useful in my readings.

Hope this helps.


I’ve never heard it used like this not once in my English speaking life.
Like where did this sentence come from?
I found it in a dictionary.
Oh my bad, that’s a rare usage of the word 😭