How would you react to serotypes?

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How would you react to stereotypes?
Would you challenge them?

I laugh about stereotypes about germans! Stereotypes are silly!

I take stereotypes as traffic lights. A person with full of stereotypes, indicates for the red light. Simply stop and stay away from them. Stereotypes are easy to achieve datas for lazy minds. I'd not bother to challenge them at all.

I simply don’t mind them at all, I don’t condemn people with stereotypes they have their reason I won’t bother myself challenging them anyway in fact I even make fun of stereotypes there’s no sully thing as having stereotypes and judging people based on nothing!

I think most of us know the stereotypes. As long we are aware of it and are open to challenge them with our own experience it's not a big deal. Some stereotypes might be true, but using them as a template to judge people is just stupid.

Stereotypes are funny if they aren't offensive 😆

Every time I see stereotypes about us Italians in some movies, I laugh

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.