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Looking for a Snail Mail friend!!
28 años,
28 años, de Canadá
Im looking for someone who likes to snail mail!! I am a girl from Canada who speaks English perfectly and French okay.
You can be from anywhere and I don't care if your a guy or a girl. I just want a snail mail buddy to chat too. =D
I'd be willing to snail mail someone who wants to improve there English or is just learning it! Love to help you!
Comment on my profile if you want to Snail Mail me! :yes
41 años,
41 años, de Italia
Hi, I'd like to write you, so could you help me with my french and english? Please contact me
30 años,
30 años, de Corea del Sur
Miembro Nuevo
i seek someone to speak english.
could you send me your letter if you interested in?
34 años,
34 años, de Pakistán
anyone interested email me,
Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.