Snail mail?

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Anyone like snail mail? :walkman

snail mail is traditional postal mail???

snail mail is traditional postal mail???
Yes 🙂

Of course!! But i'm little sad because only little number of people wants snail mail...

I like IT ! 😃

Not me, beacause we have E mail now

no matter if you have an e-mail...

receiving a letter is wonderful...

romantic, maybe...

ah ok romantic yeah you're right Anneta

Is snail mail when you send letters through post and house address? 😃

For some reason, just getting a letter is awesome. It's so uncommon nowadays, but I love writing letters to people. 🙂 If you want to snail mail me, just send me your address and stuff. 🙂

Snail mail is cool, I beleive it gives you a chance to be creative!

If you want to snail mail, let me know and i'll give you my address =)

I love snail mail but my penpals,They don't like it 🙁
I just send posctcards all over the world.It's awesome.

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