penpal friend

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I'd like to have a penpal from another country
I'd like to discover USA UK or AUSTRALIA
i'd like spaak on msn or facebook ; i can help you for your italian 🙂
do you want to become my friend ? ♥


Hi !
I will enjoy being your penpal dearest !

Hi, I'd like to be your pen-pal, I have a facebook to, so just send a message!

I want to be with you

@night would be happy to be your penpal and yes i'd like to learn more italian.My family and i will spend christmas there this year. Let me know if interested [url=][color=#E0E0E0][u] pokies [/u][/color][/url] name is ratih, i want to be your friend also but i'm not from USA or Australia..i'm from Indonesia
is it ok?😁

Sorry for off-topic... But what about time zones?🙂 It may be night in Italy, but in Australia, for example, it will be morning or midday... *SCRATCH*

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