I wrote a song!

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Hello there,
I wrote a song (in English)
And I was wondering if I could get some feedback!
It's a google doc, and commenting is allowed🙂
(please be kind)

Very cool song! The words make sense. The song is very beautiful! It will be great if you write down how you sing it.

thank you🥺🥺🥺

Wow these lyrics are great! 😊 So many emotions🥺

Ignore that vv

...AnD EVeN thOUgH hE's gOt SoCIaL skills, ThAT DoeSN mEAn I cAn'T pAy THe biLLs...

Such a nice song you can be proud of yourself

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.