What Would You Take Away?

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Think of all the most Annoying, Distracting,Raging, Saddening did I mention Annoying Things In The World ? :cursing :mad: no123
Look at em all:


-Power Saving Mode On Computers

- Loosing Stuff

-Bratty Brothers and Sisters

-Sick Loved Ones

and Lots more...

but Come up with One Yourself (or steal mine) And Tell me Why you Would You Take Them From The World ?

zomg so many to choose from!!! the one most annoying thing i can't stand nor will i ever is....dadadada...you ready for this?


people are crazy about it in northern california cause there are a lot of packed cities and fun country roads to drive but so many people get hurt from idiotic drivers and their rage! In fact, there is a stigma about my high school....a curse so to speak. One senior each year has died from a car accident for the past 23 years...my school is packed with monuments and crying children because of this...so people remember that where ever you are going, or no matter how much fun you are having, a car crash is never worth it.

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