Gay teacher??

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I'm a 14 year old girl. Lately, I've kinda been struggling with myself and now I think I'm gay??? I'm looking for someone older than me (who's also gay) to talk to and try to figure this shit out.


I'm not gay, but people have all sorts of different feelings during teenage years

I would love to help you! I'm not gay, but also definitely not straight. I don't have any specific label for my sexuality yet (maybe bisexual, but who knows), but in my opinion I don't need that, or at least not at this point. At first I wanted to find out "what" exactly I am. However, I made up my mind and come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. If I have feelings for a guy, that's totally ok for me, and if i have feelings for a girl, I can perfectly accept them as well because I know now that all of this is possible for me.
I understand it, if you want to figure out everything right now, but don't hurry because this is a process you can hardly speed up, I guess. By time, you are gonna be able to undestand you're feelings perfectly (or at least as far as one can understand feelings..), but you shuldn't rush. Afterall, the most important thing is to be okay with who you are.
I hope that my answer helped you at least a little bit. And if you wanna talk about something you can always contact me.
Lots of hugs from Austria!

SnowFox Maybe you are an asexuality

lucasar92 I have actually thought about that too some time ago. As I said, I don't feel the need to figure that out right now. However, I'm curious about what made you believe this since I think that I haven't written anything that would indicate this.

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